Tashkent Metro Tashkent subway, or only so far underground in Central Asia. Construction began in Tashkent subway 1968-1970, respectively, and the first line (received later the name Chilanzarskaya) length 12.2 km and 9 stations was built in 1976, but was put into operation in 1977. The second part of this line was put into operation in 1980. The first part of the second line of the Tashkent subway (Uzbekistanskaya) was introduced in eskpluatatsiyu in 1984 and became fully fuktsionirovat since 1992. During the years of independence has been designed and put into use its citizens and guests in September 2001. The first part of the third line (Yunusabad line). At present, Tashkent metro has three lines (Chilanzarskaya Uzbekistanskaya and Yunusabad), 29 stations with a total length of 37.5 km.
Tashkent metro map